Thursday, February 17, 2011

Imported from...

In case you missed it, check out Chrysler's Superbowl ad!

Two Thumbs Up, Chrysler!

Food For American Thought...

This evening, as I skimmed the Hollywood Edition of Vanity Fair, I stumbled upon the 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll. There, on page 110 of the March 2011 issue, I found the following question:

“How often do you check labels of items you are about to purchase to see if you are buying American Products?  

According to the poll, 39 percent check sometimes, 25 percent always check, 20 percent hardly ever check and 15 percent never check.
For the 15 percent of you that don’t check, I pose the following question. How much time does it take to look at a label? 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who Loves to Shop?

This is no surprise to my regular readers, I love to shop. Lucky for me, the new Made in the USA Foundation website has a "Shopping" link.

Check it out:

P.S.- There is even a "Food & Produce" Section.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beer and Football

The Superbowl is this weekend. Personally, I am a Ravens fan, so I won’t be celebrating. For the rest of the world, I found a list of Domestic Beers for you to enjoy while watching the big game.  The Top Ten Domestic Beers (According to Melanie Winterwolf) are:

1.     Bud Light.
2.     Natural Ice
3.     Pabst Blue Ribbon
4.     Rolling Rock
5.     Michelob Ultra
6.     Miller High Life
7.     Coors Light
8.     Bud Light Lime
9.     Busch Beer
10. Michelob Honey Lager

For the full article, click follow this link here


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just in from the Made In the USA Foundation Offices...

Check out the NEW and IMPROVED Made in the USA Foundation website at!

While you're on there, make sure to follow the Foundation on Twitter and Facebook.